Sand Sledge

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  • Affordable Training packages for
    Assessors, Educational Leadership & Management
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  • Courses are fully HRDC reimursable

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Soft skills are a combination of people skills, social skills, communication skills, character or personality traits, attitudes, career attributes, social intelligence and emotional intelligence quotients, ... Wikipedia


  • Emotional Intelligence

  • Emotional intelligence, also called EQ, is the ability to be aware of and to manage emotions and relationships. It’s a pivotal factor in personal and professional success. IQ will get you in the door, but it is your EQ, your ability to connect with others and manage the emotions of yourself and others, that will determine how successful you are in life

  • Enterprise Risk Management.

  • Risk management has long been a key part of project management, but in recent years, it has become an increasingly important part of organizational best practices. Corporations have realized that effective risk management can not only reduce the negative impact of crises; it can provide real benefits and cost savings.  2005-2011, Velsoft Training Materials Inc.

  • Essentials of Finacial Welness

  • “Financial wellness is the process of managing your economic life efficiently”. It is not about how wealthy you are, or how much you earn. It’s about how healthy your finances are; many people who are employed or self-employed are feeling financial stress, this is because we live in an uncertain and unpredictable world of an endless demands. These kinds of unpredictability can have all sorts of effects on employees performance and quality of life, including lack of sleep, too much borrowing, poor performance, fatigue, low morale and low productivity. Employees in stressful financial circumstances are less productive and less likely to last in their jobs.
    Many people are facing a strong likelihood of downward mobility, where most young adults could face uncertainty in building their future financially. Despite sound and strong economic status of the country, most employees face dilemma in their financial status.
    Financial wellness program will provide employees with necessary interventions and tools to manage their finances during and after employment. The institute will offer a comprehensive financial wellness program, which will translates into high productivity, high profitability, good health and high staff retention. This can be achieved by training employees with the right knowledge, skills and competence to manage their finances effectively. This program will improve employees’ knowledge about finances and how best they can be “Smart About Money” SAM.

    Module NameCreditsBQA Code
    Demonstrate an understanding of the essentials of personal financial management by00
    Demonstrate understand of the behavioral aspect of finance / money00
    Preparing historic personal financial statements00
    Preparing budgets for individuals00
    Analyzing current income and expenditure for individuals00
  • Safety In the Workplace

  • SHE

  • Sales and Marketing

  • Sales and Marketing

  • Basic Computer Operations

  • Basic Computer Operations

  • Occupational Health and Safety in Pesticide Use

  • Occupational Health and Safety in Pesticide Use

  • Emotional Intelligence and Stress Management

  • Emotional Intelligence and Stress Management

  • Assertive and Anger Management

  • Assertive and Anger Management

    Module NameCreditsBQA Code
    Costs and pay-offs00
    What is assertive, aggression and anger00
    Using an anger log00
    The anger process00
    How does anger affect our thinking?00
    Understanding behaviour types00
    Managing anger00
    Communication tips and tricks00
  • Customer Service

  • Customer Service

Training Needs Assessment

Trainer Development

Leadership and Management Skill Development

Business and Commerce Development

Soft Skills and Workplace Essentials