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    Assessors, Educational Leadership & Management
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TOT,Assessor & Moderator


  • Vocational Education and Training Practice

  • This is a generic Trainer of Trainers’ training which seeks to equip trainers at every level with skills aligned to the requirements of a trainer standard. The purpose of train the trainer is to not only share skills with the group being trained but enabling those people to then pass those skills on to even more people. Train the trainer teaches people the skills they need to be effective trainers and facilitators so they can pass on their training to others effectively . The idea of train-the-trainer is essential to a strong overall training program, and the aim is not just to improve effectiveness, but also efficiency and productivity. The goal of many of these programs is to have a strong talent pool of trainers from which to pull, rather than to have only one instructor who manages everything trainer-related within a company. The program will provide graduates with skills, competence, attitude and confidence of managing jobs professionally and deliver to the expectations. In addition, this program has a potential to avail employment and creativity opportunities to the graduatesIt is important to note that, graduates of this program will be able to design and develop valid, attainable and realistic training tools to help in the learning experience. Hence expectations of learners shall ultimately be realized. It is therefore, our collective responsibilities from all recognized institutions in the country to work towards realization of vision 2036. .

  • Certificate In Vocational Education And Training (Training of Trainers)

  • The Certificate in Vocational Education and Training course is Botswana Qualifications Authority accredited programme. The prgramme comprises of two courses namely: TRAIN THE- TRAINER (5 contact days)Assessor (5 contact days )The Train the Trainer and Assessor modules can be studied independently or as a combo. We are proposing a combo approach over a period of 10 continuous days.NB: This write up is in respect of the TRAIN THE TRAINER programme only

    Module NameCreditsBQA Code
    Developing Learning material35115789
    Determine Training Method And Techniques60573
    Evaluate training session12572
    Produce A Lesson Plan20578
    Facilitate lesson20115789
    Developing Training program160
  • Outcomebased Assessor Training

  • The Botswana Quality Authority (BQA) strived for quality training, assessment and moderation expertise and encourages training companies/institutions/organizations to build capacity in the pool of trainers, assessors and moderators in Botswana. Though moderation and assessment are mutually inclusive in moderation procedures there is need for a review of assessment tools .This program will assist trainers/assessors who will ultimately be moderators themselves appreciate that moderation helps the as assessors to increase the dependability of the assessment information they gather. This improves the decisions they make about student learning/training they are involved in. When assessment is moderated, it impacts positively on the teaching/training and encourage quality work and what criteria defines that type of work. When good decisions are made concerning the type of assessment to be implemented, teachers/trainers can develop self-reviews skills and attain professional development.
    A trainer/assessor is an essential member in an institution since he/she has the responsibility for quality assurance in relation to the assessment process. This means that the trainer/assessor will:
    • Make sure that candidates are assessed in a consistent and well-designed manner.
    • Make sure that assessments are carried out fairly.
    • Handle appeals by dissatisfied candidates.

  • Moderator

  • Moderator

  • Certificate In Vocational Education and Training

  • At the end of this training learners will be able to:
    • Develop appropriate learning materials for the target group.
    • Profile Learners and determine appropriate activities during their training sessions
    • Determine appropriate training methods in order to meet the objectives of the lesson.
    • Facilitate training session using the appropriate learning materials and methods.
    • Choose an appropriate environment to facilitate training.
    • Decide on the appropriate methods of evaluation.
    • Develop appropriate tool for collecting evaluation data.
    • Evaluate training sessions
    • Develop assessment tools
    • Assess candidates against the set standards.
    • Consolidate results and produce a report.
    • Monitor trainee performance.
    • Undertake research activities for their content area

    Module NameCreditsBQA Code
    Developing Training program160
    Developing Learning material35115789
    Determining Training methods and techniques15115789
    Facilitate lesson20115789
    Produce A Lesson Plan20578
    Evaluate training session12572
    Produce lesson plan20578
    Produce assessment tools11579
    Assess candidates against standards656
  • Out Comes Based Moderator

  • Moderation is a quality assurance process that is based on moderators being objective in undertaking their responsibilities. Moderation is about ensuring consistency, fairness and validity of assessment processes undertaken by institutions or organisations.
    At the end of training learners must be able to;
    -Understand moderation of an out comes based assessment system
    -Plan and prepare for moderation
    -Conduct moderation
    -Advise and support assessors
    -Report,Record and administer moderation
    -Review moderation systems

    Module NameCreditsBQA Code
    Outcome based versus traditional learning20
    Traditional Moderation versus Outcome Based Moderation20
    Plan and Prepare for Moderation20
    Conduct Moderation20
    Support Assessors20
    Administer Moderation20
    Evaluating Moderation Systems and Processes20
  • Certificate in Vocational Education and Training.

  • Learners meet on Sundays for De brief and assignments

    Module NameCreditsBQA Code
    Analyzing current income and expenditure for individuals00
  • Outcomes Based Assessment Training

  • Learners meet on Sundays for a de brief and receive assignments
    Online Learning is done during the week over teleconferencing

  • Design and Develop Training Material

  • Design and Develop Training Material

  • Certificate in Occupationally Directed Education Training & Developmet Practices

  • Certificate in Occupationally Directed Education Training & Developmet Practices

    Module NameCreditsBQA Code
    Sustain oral interaction across a wide range of contexts and critically evaluate spoken texts50
    Conduct moderation of outcomes-based assessment1011558
    Conduct outcomes-based assessment15115753
    Conduct skills development administration in an organisation415227
    Plan and develop an organisational learning framework415218
    Comply with safety requirements in the medical pathology and blood transfusion fields4252041
    Evaluate a learning intervention using given evaluation instruments10123397
    Define target audience profiles and skills gaps6123396
    Design a quality assurance system1015228
    Develop workplace skills plan(s)615217
    Advanced Diploma in Management120117865
    Provide information and advice regarding skills development and related issues415221
    Guide learners about their learning, assessment and recognition opportunities6117874
    Manage a learnership/learning programme615232
  • Assessor Training

  • Assessor Training

    Module NameCreditsBQA Code
    Produce assessment tools11579
    Assess candidates against standards656
  • Assessor

  • Assessor

  • CEVET Revision Class

  • Revision for CEVET class

  • Moderator.

  • Moderator

  • Moderator Training

  • Moderator training

Training Needs Assessment

Trainer Development

Leadership and Management Skill Development

Business and Commerce Development

Soft Skills and Workplace Essentials